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Friday, 22 July 2016

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: How much gas money should I give my friend?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: How much gas money should I give my friend?” plus 5 more

Question: How much gas money should I give my friend?

Posted: 22 Jul 2016 11:11 PM PDT

Question: Make Uber Rides Alot Cheaper?!?

Posted: 22 Jul 2016 07:19 PM PDT

Supply them with Free gas and Insurance.

If you do not like the price WALK. They charge a very reasonable price. The Driver does actually want to make a Salary not give out Free/Cheap rides.

Question: A driver got mad at me this morning?

Posted: 22 Jul 2016 06:33 PM PDT

Use 'he' when the gender is unknown (grammatically correct).
1. 'They' is confusing - you immediately think plural.
2. Stop giving into this feminist agenda which is destructive for the society right now. They take simple things and make a big deal out of them.
3. It's just language. Calm your sh1t.
4. "he" is shorter than "they". There is not practical benefit of replacing 'he' with 'they' when gender unknown. (see p.1 also)

Because of this, fuсk the rest of your question.

Question: Learning how to drive?

Posted: 20 Jul 2016 06:46 PM PDT

Please, no hate. I'm only looking for positive feedback.

So... I'm twenty-years-old and I still don't have my license. I have my permit but it expires in October. I am trying to learn how to drive but many things are keeping me from wanting to. I have been in 3 car accidents (all were the other person's fault), and one serious one that was very traumatizing. I already have a history of severe anxiety, and after the accident, I would rarely ride in a car and when I did, I sat in the back seat because if I sat in the front, I couldn't help myself from watching every little thing. Sometimes it would get so bad, that I would jump at everything, or grip my seat belt, or have panic attacks. So, of course after that I didn't practice driving for a few months. I still get mild anxiety when I'm the passenger but when I'm driving, I feel a lot calmer, but my mom (next to me) is always worrying and telling me, watch out for that and that and that when I know what's there and she'll jump or get angry when she assumes I'm about to make a mistake and then I don't even make one and it's very distracting and it definitely discourages me. I've talked to her about it, but she said she won't stop because she's afraid that something will go wrong. But I don't know any other drivers to teach me. And it doesn't help that I have ADHD and sometimes get a little overwhelmed with everything else going around me. I feel like I will never be able to drive alone because I'm afraid. Any good advice?

Question: Should I get the College/Vocational TAP Card to commute to college??

Posted: 19 Jul 2016 02:24 PM PDT

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