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Monday, 25 January 2016

Cars & Transportation: Motorcycles: “Question: Can i get insurance on my motorcycle if i dont have a license?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Motorcycles: “Question: Can i get insurance on my motorcycle if i dont have a license?” plus 5 more

Question: Can i get insurance on my motorcycle if i dont have a license?

Posted: 25 Jan 2016 12:37 AM PST

To be insured to ride it on the road, most insurance has small print saying cover is subject to your having the appropriate license (or words to that effect). So no license = no cover, and pointless paying for it.

However you can insure a bike if it's against theft or damage while it's parked up, for example.

Question: What's a good first motorcycle?

Posted: 24 Jan 2016 10:53 PM PST

I'm smiling because a girl appreciates Ducatis! Are you a tomboy or what? 8^)

Ducatis are pretty serious motorcycles. We all strongly recommend you start on something milder and easier to manage. Once you get your basic skills you could jump to the Ducati.

You are what we call 'inseam challenged' and that can narrow the range of possibilities. You want to be able to sit on a bike with both feet flat on the ground, especially your first bike. The only way to know is to find a model that you're interested in and sit on it.

Question: What kind of motorcycle exhaust makes gunshots sound?

Posted: 24 Jan 2016 10:16 PM PST

The sound a motorcycle exhaust makes depends on the engine layout. How loud that sound is, depends on the exhaust.

I guess you are thinking of the open pipes typically fitted to Harley Davidsons.


Posted: 24 Jan 2016 06:37 PM PST

A problem with the carburetor.
Remove it.
Take it completely apart.
Clean everything.
When putting the carb back on the engine, make sure it is firmly in the manifold before tightening the clamp - to make sure there are no air leaks.

Most common problems -
Needle in the throttle slide not set firmly (bounces around)
Needle #2

Air cut valve #37 stuck or not moving freely.
Air cut valve "cover" (between spring #37 & washer #33) has pin size passage way in it.
It gets clogged from bad gas.
Using carb cleaner in a spray can, spray into the hole.
If the spray comes out a different spot, the passage way is clear.

Throttle cable not adjusted properly.
You should have some play in the thumb throttle.
If it's to tight, the idle can hang up.

Idle not set properly.
If it is set to high, the engine will run faster as it warms up.
Adjust the idle when the engine is at operating temperature.
Ride around for 10 minutes.
Then adjust the idle.

Question: I am looking for a new dirt bike, I am 5ft 6 160lbs. Which Honda dirt bike would be best for me?

Posted: 24 Jan 2016 04:08 PM PST

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