Question: How long untill i can get my license now? Posted: 25 Nov 2016 08:08 AM PST Two things 1 - IM isn't a word, neither is "tho". 2 - this is a global web site, every state/country has their own rules. You didn't state whether you were cited or not (given a ticket), that will play large in the answer to your question. In my state, if you didn't have a permit, your ability to get one will be delayed due to your lack of regard for the laws.  |
Question: How quickly would an insurance company call me after an accident? Posted: 25 Nov 2016 05:51 AM PST How quickly would an insurance company call me after an accident? I had rear-ended someone this past Saturday, just leaving a small scuff on the other party's bumper. He said when he got home he'd take a better look at it and see if he could wash it out, then think about calling his insurance. It is now Friday and I haven't gotten any calls. Am I in the clear? I know he would've had 5 days to put in the claim, but I imagine that if he were going to, he would've done it the following day. Assuming that that was the case, shouldn't I have gotten a call by now? Like I said, I know he could've just waited to put in the claim, but if he HAD put it in at the beginning of the week, would they wait this long to call? Ive never had to deal with insurance before and I just want to be able to put my mind at ease with this whole thing.  |
Question: Does the DMV still offer the driving written exam or does only the driving school give it? Posted: 25 Nov 2016 05:47 AM PST Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel  |
Question: How do I get the registration Application Form ? Posted: 25 Nov 2016 02:47 AM PST Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel  |
Question: Why do drivers just cut and don't use their signals and not even look? they are so rude!? Posted: 25 Nov 2016 02:34 AM PST Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel  |
Question: How long do u have to have your license before u can drive a truck? Posted: 25 Nov 2016 01:49 AM PST Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel Report Abuse Additional Details If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed and would like to file a complaint, please see our Copyright/IP Policy Report Abuse Cancel  |