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Friday, 25 November 2016

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Sailplane speed limit?” plus 3 more

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Sailplane speed limit?” plus 3 more

Question: Sailplane speed limit?

Posted: 25 Nov 2016 05:38 AM PST

I tried googling but didn't have the patience. You know how LSA are mimited to 120KT (138MPH)?

What about gliders? Can someone with a higher speed motor glider go faster for A to B flying (say, 150kt) without a private pilot ticket, glider rating only?

Probably a really stupid question but I had to know. Not a pilot here so give me a break.

Question: Can military fighter jets use JET - A fuel?

Posted: 25 Nov 2016 03:15 AM PST

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