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Saturday, 22 August 2015

Cars & Transportation: Car Audio: “Question: Is an Infiniti g35 coupe a good first car?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Car Audio: “Question: Is an Infiniti g35 coupe a good first car?” plus 5 more

Question: Is an Infiniti g35 coupe a good first car?

Posted: 22 Aug 2015 06:11 AM PDT

Your biggest problem is that you're only 16. You can't sign a legally binding contract until you're 18. This means that you can't finance it, obtain full coverage insurance, or register it. Your second biggest problem is that you can't afford it. Banks look for no less than 6 months of unbroken full-time employment, and a minimum verifiable income of no less than $1700-$2000 per month. Not meeting minimum income requirements is an automatic disqualifier. Even if you had a better job, you need to consider to total cost of ownership. Full-coverage insurance for an 18 year-old kid in an Infiniti will likely be more than the actual car payment. Then you have to consider maintenance, upkeep, of, and of course, gas.

Your best bet would be to buy a beater for cash, put liability insurance on it, and drive it until the wheels fall off. When you're in a better place in life (out of the house, done with school, not reliant on friends and family for anything, working full-time for more than minimum wage), then consider a new(er) car.

Question: Is 150 RMS subwoofer good?

Posted: 22 Aug 2015 03:59 AM PDT

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