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Friday, 23 September 2016

Cars & Transportation: Insurance & Registration: “Question: Was the Car accident my fault?” plus 2 more

Cars & Transportation: Insurance & Registration: “Question: Was the Car accident my fault?” plus 2 more

Question: Was the Car accident my fault?

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 08:10 AM PDT

You RALLY need to work on your writing ability. This question is almost not understandable.

DID you get a ticket for this? if yo DID NOT get a ticket, then you are not at fault.

it sounds like they turned left in front of you, without allowing time for YOU to pass. This is THEIR fault and unsafe driving.

But to prove that you iwll need to go to court. YOU NEED TO TALK TO A LAWYER about this.

If you go to court and are found NOT GUILTY, then there will be no harm to your license.

If you ARE found guilty,m then you will pay the ticket, pay the court costs, and pay the lawyer. State Law will determine IF they take your license or not.


Question: I need to know if i am registered in sc?

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 06:31 AM PDT

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