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Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Who has the right of way in merging lanes?” plus 2 more

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Who has the right of way in merging lanes?” plus 2 more

Question: Who has the right of way in merging lanes?

Posted: 11 Nov 2014 05:17 PM PST

No one. The traffic on the main/thru lane does *not* have the right-of-way. Neither left or right lane is expected to yield to the other. If the traffic is heavy the merge is zipper style, one from one lane and the next vehicle from the other lane. Read the LAW -- http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/... There is no law re: merging lanes, it is not covered by Right-of-Way. If you push it, thinking *you* have the Right-of-Way, a cop can and often will ticket you for reckless driving.

Question: Why are airports located so far from city centers compared to Greyhound and bus stations?

Posted: 11 Nov 2014 02:12 PM PST

Bus stations are tied to a city's mass transit system (if they have one). Airports are way out because tall city buildings could interfere with flight paths, to avoid planes crashing into buildings, they require more parking spaces than the size of some cities, etc.

Question: What does Greyhound do when a bus has been delayed? (Typical Greyhoumd fun)...?

Posted: 11 Nov 2014 01:22 AM PST

What does Greyhound do when a bus has been delayed? (Typical Greyhoumd fun)...?

I'm trying to figure out what Greyhound does when a bus runs behind schedual. My fellas bus broke down and has been behind 2 hours all day now, his transfer destination leaves an hour before he will be arrivimg due to this. What is the usual protocal when this happens?


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