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Monday, 3 November 2014

Cars & Transportation: Safety: “Question: Can you help me ,please;I can't found the intersection between two planes with cordonnes (6,3,5) and (6,5,3)?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Safety: “Question: Can you help me ,please;I can't found the intersection between two planes with cordonnes (6,3,5) and (6,5,3)?” plus 5 more

Question: Can you help me ,please;I can't found the intersection between two planes with cordonnes (6,3,5) and (6,5,3)?

Posted: 03 Nov 2014 01:59 AM PST

Can you help me ,please;I can't found the intersection between two planes with cordonnes (6,3,5) and (6,5,3)?

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Question: Sharing a 20 amp outlet with pc and space heater?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 06:37 PM PST

Sharing a 20 amp outlet with pc and space heater?

I have a 20 amp outlet that I would like to run my space heater and pc. With both running and certain settings I plan to use about 16 amps total leaving 4 amps free. Would the space heater turning on and off harm my pc?

Question: I'm seeing new cars to have a engine start stop button. Isn't it possible for someone to break a window, press the button and drive off?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 05:30 PM PST

My brother in law has one of these, the car's 'key fob' sends a little signal to the car and the car won't start without it.

If you leave the engine running and walk away with the key fob, it will automatically switch off once it can no longer 'sense' the fob. If you press the button without the fob in the car, nothing will happen.

Question: I don't understand why there is a deer crossing sign like can't deer cross somewhere else down the road or something?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 12:32 PM PST

oh dear, you don't understand.

Deers cross the road where they like. there are areas where they cross roads more frequently this is where the signs are. if the deers crossed further down the road then the signs would be placed further down the road.

I know two people who have hit a deer at speed, both times the deer was killed and the car written off. the signs are there to warn dirvers to expect a deer to suddenly appear in front of them.

Question: Why does the rpms on my van go crazy ,then dies and wont start?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 11:14 AM PST

Does the tack flip up & down ?? Had a company Aerostar van that did that occasionally back in Cleveland. The speedo & all of the gauges would suddenly start flipping back & forth, but it never affected the running of the van....

Question: Seat belt citation?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 10:59 AM PST

Nope, you won't win. If your front tires were touching a public road, the law says the seat belt must already be properly fastened. Yours wasn't. Right in front of your house, 100 yards down the road, a mile away... doesn't matter. As soon as you're on a road, any public road or thoroghfare, the traffic laws apply.

Even if you're on a private lane that is a designated public thoroughfare, which can happen (they don't need to post signs saying so), you're subject to the traffic laws and all their little technicalities.

My first ticket was a seat belt too. I literally had just pulled out of a driveway and stopped at a red light less than 10 feet from the store I was at, was reaching for my seat belt, and the Christmas lights came on behind me. She was well aware that my back tires were almost still in the parking lot of the store, and she wrote me up anyway. It sucks, but the law is the law. And even the stupid little technical laws count.


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