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Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Cars & Transportation: Insurance & Registration: “Question: I tricked the cop?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Insurance & Registration: “Question: I tricked the cop?” plus 5 more

Question: I tricked the cop?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 09:51 AM PDT

Since my city and area has put so many toll roads and red light cameras it was running me dry so created a flip plate on the back of my car (I got the idea from a Knight Rider episode) and has a button next to my cigarette lighter that will flip over the plate. I don't have a front plate so what I did was take a front plate from someone's car in a parking lot.

I drive around with the fake plate and if a cop pulls me over I just flip it back to the other plate which happened once. I think the other plate is reported stolen. Then I gave him the registration and he looked at the plate again after I flipped it back over to mine when he approached the side of me. He never noticed and then said he must of read the plate wrong the first time and let me go.

Question: I lost my driver s license but I turn 21 in November. Should I get a replacement now or until after I m 21?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 06:36 AM PDT

Just go to the DMV, tell them your license is lost or stolen, and they'll print a replacement for you that same day.

Waiting until you turn 21 is described by one simple word, and one word only. That word is idiot.

Question: What car insurance company would be the best and cheapest to join.?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 06:17 AM PDT

No, you can't have both. You can sign up with the cheapest or the best, but they're two different companies.

Buying insurance is just like buying oats. If you want good clean high quality oats, you have to pay a fair price for them. If you're happy with oats that have already been through the horse, they're a whole lot cheaper.

What you specifically want is to find the insurance provider that offers the most coverage with the best customer service for a price you can live with. It won't be the cheapest package you can find, and it won't be with one of those point-click-save operations. Since there are no insurers that do business in every jurisdiction and offer the best price to every owner of every vehicle everywhere, you'll have to call an insurance broker or six and ask for a quote, then compare them. Don't do it online, online quotes are way too unreliable. Unless you're an expert in this stuff, and you're not, talk to a real live professional.

There is no other way. I can list off 200 insurance companies that may or may not do business in your mystery location, but that won't help you. You have to call around and get estimates.

Question: My father paid for my car insurance for 3 months.I am getting a new car after only one month. Can my new car replace my old car on the plan?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 05:40 AM PDT

You absolutely can. Insurance people call it a vehicle substitution on the policy, you call it calling up your insurance broker and telling them you're getting a new vehicle to replace the old one. They'll ask all the standard questions: Year, make, model, VIN, purchase price, any liens or additional interests, what coverage would you like, and all you do is answer them. If you don't know the answer for sure or need to know why they're asking that, just say so. Their job isn't just to collect your payments, it's also to explain what the hell you're paying for and break all that technical mumbo-jumbo into plain English.

Obi Wan Knievel · 1 hour ago

Question: I'm junking my vehicle...what are the correct steps to doing this?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 04:34 AM PDT

Handle it just like the sale of a car only you aren't getting any money in exchange for the vehicle. Just a donation receipt. KEEP the license plates, you paid for them, they belong to you.

You have to give them the original title, you have to fill out the back as the "seller". GET A RECEIPT. This is considered a tax deductible donation so make sure you treat is as such when you go and fill out your Income tax returns for 2016.

Once the transaction is complete call the DMV and tell them to VOID the plates unless you have the need to transfer them to another car.

Question: How much Geico claim adjuster gets paid hourly or annually?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 02:36 AM PDT

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