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Saturday, 13 August 2016

Cars & Transportation: Safety: “Question: Highway in Germany with no speed limit? Some questions about it.?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Safety: “Question: Highway in Germany with no speed limit? Some questions about it.?” plus 5 more

Question: Highway in Germany with no speed limit? Some questions about it.?

Posted: 13 Aug 2016 12:20 AM PDT

1) Yes, there is no speed limit on the Autobahn, that is what the highway is called in germany.
yes, someone could go legaly full speed with a bugatti veyron or a bugatti chiron, that is the bugatti that has even more power and is supposed to be faster.
if there is a construction site etc., then the speed is usually limited to speeds like 60km/h or 80km/h, km/h standing for kilometer per hour.

2) often crashes would be like crashes that frequent that people would have to expect to not make it home safely when driving the german autobahn (highway) but its not like that, therefor it can be said that crashes are not often on the autobahn. a driver has to watch when getting on the left lane, because there could be a car that comes with 250+km/h, that would be 155+mph, legaly.

3) how the german country get the idea of making the autobahn speed limitless, difficult question, its like asking how americans got the idea to make it a constitutional right to bear arms.
it was a german who invented the fuel combustion four-stroke engine, namely otto, until now the four stroke engine is called otto-engine or ottomotor. diesel invented the diesel engine, a german too. back then it must have been terrific to see a cart move all by itself without a horse and people must have been very excited about it, when that much excited, of course people back then would want to try automobiles out, something new and terrific. as cars were new, there werent that many traffic regulation and people were driving fast, like when internet was new, there werent that much regulations as today either and so the speed limitless from back then since the terrifc times when the automobile was new has prevailed until today, that should be a plausibel explanation from a historical and traditional point of view.
to say it shortly, germans invented, the car, were always excited about it and drove fast and it never changed.

4) it feels bit unsafe to use the left lane, because there can always be someone who comes with 250km/h or even far over 300km/h, when they then fail to brake strong enough, it comes to a crash. it needs then always to look it the mirror even for cars that seem a bit far, because when they drive that fast a far seeming distance becomes very short very quickly.

of course then sometimes when there is no construction side etc. and not that much traffic, its fun to drive 155mph on the autobahn : )

Question: Who has the right of way- a person backing out of a parking spot or someone turning from a stop sign?

Posted: 12 Aug 2016 04:28 PM PDT

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