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Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Air commercial pilot in india?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Air commercial pilot in india?” plus 4 more

Question: Air commercial pilot in india?

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 02:13 AM PDT

air commercial pilot in india?

i want to become air commercial pilot in india likely after completing graduate degree ..... , would i get a job in 2022....

Question: Flight Attendant Retirement Age?

Posted: 22 Sep 2014 11:55 PM PDT

Some airlines have a retirement age company policy -
But in USA as an example, there is NO retirement age -
It is a basic law in USA - no age discrimination...
When I was a pilot with Pan Am, we had a senior steward 77 years old -

As far as I know, the EU has no rule for compulsory retirement age either -

Question: How can you tell a 777-300 apart from a 777-300ER?

Posted: 22 Sep 2014 06:44 PM PDT

Fuel gages in cockpit - and what is written on certificate of airworthiness -
Who cares... do you fly one as pilot...?

Can you recognize a 747-100 from a 200...?
Same story -

Question: What is the Boeing 777-300ERs range?

Posted: 22 Sep 2014 06:42 PM PDT

I could give you many different maximum ranges -

The range with maximum fuel (but you cannot carry full payload) -
Range with maximum payload (but you could not have full tanks on takeoff) -

And some airplanes have optional extra tanks...
And... less payload available as consequence -

There is no "standard range" -
I suggest you learn about weight limitations of airplanes -

Question: I want to get my private pilots license.?

Posted: 22 Sep 2014 06:25 PM PDT

Yes, you're too young now, but that is no reason not to start learning.
There are books to read, simulators to practice on, and models to build and fly. And you should look into flying gliders first. The lessons can be cheaper than powered flight lessons if you find a glider club. Also, flying is a maturing adventure. You will learn more about yourself than you ever dreamed possible. Good luck, young Lucas! You can look into HS AFROTC or Civil Air Patrol.

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