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Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Can I get a free bus pass to go to derby UK?” plus 3 more

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Can I get a free bus pass to go to derby UK?” plus 3 more

Question: Can I get a free bus pass to go to derby UK?

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 11:35 AM PDT

Coming from where would help with answer.

Do you get free food and rent? Free computer internet? Free everything else.
You may need to just reallocate your resources. See if you can get something like a ride share from a fellow student.

Work a bit for a delivery service for a ride at least one way as part of your wages. The truck goes anyway.

Question: Here's a question about buses 20 years old..?

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 10:13 AM PDT

In a fleet of hundreds of buses it is possible to have one or two or ten that are ten twenty or thirty years old. Each bus is looked at individually. Some are in better condition than others.

Some buses are in accidents. They are first salvaged for parts to keep others on the road. A seat for this one a window for the next one.

Some buses not in the best condition are kept for special needs and only used a few days of the year. It costs very little to just park them.For example they might be for evacuation or use at a disaster say a large building fire and people need a place to go.

Extra buses for the holiday weekend the Football game service or some other thing that just needs buses for a few hours.

Like anyone with a fleet you add new things as your needs and budget allows. You try to use what you have for as long as possible before you get rid of it.

Just like your favourite shirt could be very old as you only wear it once a year.and others wear out in a few months.
It is possible there could be an Earthquake by 2026. It is possible everyone starts walking it is possible in twenty years it may be an evacuated wasteland.

A well maintained commercial transit bus can last 20-30 years. It all depends on who drives it. How many ride it. The road conditions. Maintenance schedules and so on. A simple engine change gives a bus frames years of extra life.

A damaged bus frame replaced lets the engine run for longer. You can argue endlessly if it is original or this year or that year.
Does a light bulb count a new seat cover replacing a window a bolt a nut a washer.new shocks,brakes,tires

Will there be 20 and 30 year old parts in the system. Probably.

Will there be 20 year old buses that look like their first day of service? Probably not..

The buses do not have an expiry date and shut down on some predetermined day.Fleet budgets will decide how long something is nursed along until replaced by a new one.

Question: Help: Where can I buy a card to use in California Busses?

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 12:05 AM PDT

foothill transit services that area
you are talking abiut tap card you can get lot of sales outlets
in fact theres one in monrovina

City of Monrovia
119 W. Palms Ave.
Monrovia, CA 91016
Phone: (626) 256-8246

Question: What's the point in a overtaking lane if you can only go 70mph?

Posted: 15 Sep 2014 09:15 AM PDT

Speedometers lie. Someone doing an indicated 70 mph will be actually going about 63 mph.

The cops don't bother with people doing less than 10 over the speed limit. At an indicated 85 mph you will be actually only going 77 mph and the cops will not stop you.

There are no laws to stop you from doing anything. All that the law does is punish you ** IF ** you are caught *and* someone cares.


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