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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Where is the most affordable flight school in the United States?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Where is the most affordable flight school in the United States?” plus 5 more

Question: Where is the most affordable flight school in the United States?

Posted: 24 Sep 2014 03:29 AM PDT

The way you word your question makes me assume you are not from USA -

If you wish to be a foreign pilot trainee, you need to attend a school which is approved to obtain a I-20 student visa - That limits the number of flight schools you can go to, and they are not necessarily the ones that are most affordable -

Foreign students generally select flight schools in Florida -
The consideration is due to lower cost of living in that state -
Typical pilot student spends nearly 1 year to complete pilot training -

Question: WTF IS THIS!!!?

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 08:22 PM PDT


A couple nights ago I was in my room and saw a plane at maybe 10PM. 20 minutes later it was still there. It had the distinct Red Green White flash of a plane but didnot move. Now guess what I see? The same thing as before. In the same spot. For the past 10 minutes. Its not a satellite, its not a plane, im in Rural South Arkansas so I know its not a blimp. WTF is it!

Question: Has there been an airplane that hit a building or a high rise construction equipment because ...?

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 08:08 PM PDT

Not that I can recall, for that reason, although a number of aircraft have hit buildings, by accident, not counting 9/11.

There was a baseball(?) star who hit an apartment building a few years back.

I can recall one crash where a B747 tried to take off on a closed runway and hit construction equipment on the runway, but that is not really what you are asking

Question: What type ratings do most airline pilots and/or cargo pilots go through before they reach the 747 or A-380?

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 06:42 PM PDT

In your question you assume that ALL airlines operate 747 or A-380 types -
That is erroneous thinking -
Few airlines operate the 747 - Even less operate A-380 -

Presently, there are a number of cargo operators using 747F types -

The definite qualification that most pilots go through in their career is 737 or A-320 -
You might think of the CRJ or ERJ types...

Question: Do I need to be excellent in math to become a commercial pilot?

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 04:53 PM PDT

Of course you need some good basis of mathematics and physics in aviation -
However do not assume top knowledge of math and physics to be critical -
Basics of arithmetic (accounting) and physics are generally sufficient -

If you become pilot, knowing math and physics is help to study airplanes -
Being able to compute airplane weights, or understand jet fuel densities -

Question: I need to compare and contrast two plane crashes something easy and simple for a power point with a few details and a video for each ?

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 04:23 PM PDT

Rather morbid. The website check six has a list of crash info.
Simple, lots of detail to research & video?

The Concorde crash & the Hudson river US air crash.


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