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Thursday, 25 September 2014

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Can you change lanes in an intersection?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Can you change lanes in an intersection?” plus 4 more

Question: Can you change lanes in an intersection?

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 09:22 PM PDT

it is not illegal in California. But i would not recommend doing so.

Unit 7: Rules of the Road and Safe Driving Practices: Urban and Rural Driving
Although not illegal, it is not wise to change lanes in an
intersection. you should check with your states DMV.

Question: Any tips on driving [curb parking + reversing]?

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 09:16 PM PDT

When reversing up next to the curb i always check to make sure i am not going to hit anything or anyone. i like to use the side mirror that's on the same side as the curb. so that i can see the curb and how close i am getting to it. leave room between the car and curb, cause if you get to close and turn the wheel you can hit the curb. dont forget to use your signals to alert other drivers what your doing. i would definitely recommend that you practice a couple of times when your heading to the dmv. ask whoever is taking you if you could practice a couple of times and see if they can help you. i am sure they would not mind.

Question: What are your thoughts on the California High Speed RAil?

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 05:29 PM PDT

I think it's a GREAT idea. Air traffic between the SF Bay Area and Southern California is very busy. Planes go back and forth like every half hour. If you could get on a train and be there in, say, 2-3 hrs., downtown-to-downtown, for half the cost, I think a lot of people would do that.

Look, EVERY OTHER developed country has high speed rail! It saves a lot of energy, it stimulates the economy, plus it develops a lot of technological spin-offs. We have always used 'defense' for this purpose in the US. In the last few years, we've spent almost a trillion dollars on a new fighter-bomber that looks like it will never see action! Why couldn't we have spent that money on something we'd actually USE?

Question: Park and Ride or Tukwila International Station parking availability in Washington?

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 01:50 AM PDT

Park and Ride or Tukwila International Station parking availability in Washington?

I'm a student in Tukwila trying to commute to UW. There is a park and ride near a bus stop that will take me to the tunnel stations which is where I would like to go, but there is also the link light rail that comes with its own parking that I can take to the tunnel stations.
If I expect I will need to park and board a public transportation vehicle around 8 AM, will either place have available parking on most weekdays?

Question: When to turn at intersections?

Posted: 24 Sep 2014 09:23 PM PDT

Green light - You have the right of way to turn right and go straight

Yellow light - Stop if possible, if not, go through

Red light - Always stop! You can make a right turn after stopping but must yield to everyone else. No left turns allowed on red ever.

Solid green turning arrow (only on left turns) - You can turn left but must yield to oncoming traffic

Blinking green turning arrow (only on left turns) - You have the right of way for turning


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