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Thursday, 4 September 2014

Cars & Transportation: Boats & Boating: “Question: A man weighs 200 and his sons 100 each they need to cross the river in a boat that only holds 200 how can all of them get across the river?” plus 3 more

Cars & Transportation: Boats & Boating: “Question: A man weighs 200 and his sons 100 each they need to cross the river in a boat that only holds 200 how can all of them get across the river?” plus 3 more

Question: A man weighs 200 and his sons 100 each they need to cross the river in a boat that only holds 200 how can all of them get across the river?

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 06:00 AM PDT

All good answers so far. Another riddle goes like this .A man has a fox,a chicken,and a bag of corn to get across the river,and he can only take one at the time.Chicken will eat the corn,or fox will eat the chicken.He takes the chicken across first and comes back to get the fox.He drops the fox off and brings back the chicken.He then takes the corn across and comes back for the chicken.

Question: Why a petrol wire cannot be extinguished by water?

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 10:56 PM PDT


Fire requires 3 things Fuel, Oxygen and a Heat to start it.
After starting a fire, Heat can then help keep the fire going. So if you can cut out one you will stop it.
As long as you can get a high volume mist to cut off the oxygen you will put the fire out. Google putting out Car fires and you will see that is what the Fire Brigade do.
If you cannot get the mist the Petrol (Being lighter that Water) will float on top so will carry on.
I say DO NOT TRY THIS but whilst on a fire course we filled up a baked bean can with Petrol and laid a flat lid on it, Struck a match, Pull off the lid and threw the match in. It did not catch fire, This is because you need the correct Fuel/Air mix and it is the Petrol Fumes (As it evaporates) and Air mixture that burns

Andy C

Question: JY15 sailboat mast/rigging?

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 07:30 PM PDT

Looking at the images on the internet for the boat type it looks as if that deck opening is not designed to take any strain , it looks as if the mast sits on the step in the bottom and is held in position by the stays , and simply " floats " in the deck hole , which seems to be just a thing to hold the mast about upright while you get the wire stays set up .
Try rigging it and see what it looks like .
You can always take a 6 inch strip of old towel off the one in the garden shed , and tape that onto the mast with gaffer tape if there is evident rubbing , graunching or knocking . Dont jam it solid though , as the deck may not be designed for taking any strain loads .

Question: What is a respectable marine stereo system for a pontoon boat? We'd like to be able to also play cds/mp3?

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 07:14 PM PDT

Stereos in boats are tempoary.Plan to change it every year.If you get more than a year out of it,good for you.I prefer Sonys because the plugs are all the same.When yours goes out just plug in a new one without re-wiring.JL Audio speakers are a nice touch and have worked well for me.You can buy a Sony marine stereo for just over $100, and marine radios ARE TREATED with a silicone to make them water resistant.The best ones are the drop face(Not removable) 'splash proof' units and cost about $250 with the features that you want.


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