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Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Cars & Transportation: Car Audio: “Question: My Car amp is always on please help?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Car Audio: “Question: My Car amp is always on please help?” plus 4 more

Question: My Car amp is always on please help?

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 06:23 AM PDT

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Update : it was my first time wiring a amp in but i knew how to do it i try'd wiring the remote wire from the cig lighter the blue and white in the back of my aftermarket cd player but as soon as i put my neg terminal on my battery it lights up and when the car is off i have the power wired to the battery i have a pos gnd and b+ i only did the pos and gnd and wired the remote wire to the b+ im not sure which one the remote goes to.

Question: What will sound better one 18 fi sub or dual 15's type R's?

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 03:35 AM PDT

So I guess you mean SSD 18.
If you're considering sound quality only -- it's extremely hard to say. Both subs were designed with good sound quality in mind, and of course both claim to be very good at it. But for one thing -- subwoofer SQ is largely dependent on the quality of the enclosure, PLUS it's very subjective. All things considered, I think either option will sound very good IF you provide top quality enclosures (the Fi box needs to be VERY large if you want to port it).

As for loudness -- Alpines have the advantage.

Question: What wire is what on Sony amp xm-3021?

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 01:22 AM PDT

yellow - 12v+ (power)
black - ground
blue - remote turn on
White and White/black -- Left speaker +/-
Brown and Brown/black -- Right speaker +/-


Question: Which car speaker given details will be more powerful ?

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 12:24 AM PDT

To be perfectly honest -- speaker specs rarely translate directly to how they perform in the vehicle.
But there are a few facts that are important to understand.
One -- max/peak power is completely meaningless -- ignore it. (RMS power is what matters). In this particular case I'd have to give Alpine SOME credit (very small credit) for not being quite as ridiculous with their peak power rating.
Two -- The cheaper the brand, the more likely RMS power ratings are inflated. These three brands are reasonably good quality, so I would generally trust their power specs.
Three -- Power of amps/speakers isn't an absolute science. 10-20% variance one way or the other is barely worth considering.

To me -- without a first hand audition of the three options it would simply come down to who I trust the most to build a good speaker, and that would be Alpine-Cadence-Sony.

Question: Swapping car radios?

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 10:56 PM PDT

It depends on the respective age of the two units. Pioneer has changed the design of their mounting sleeve a few times in past years, so the two head units may use the same cage, or they may not. You should be able to compare them before you remove the cage from the dash.

It's possible that you'll have to rewire the plug as well--those have changed more often than the mounting sleeves.


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