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Thursday, 11 September 2014

Cars & Transportation: Other: “Question: I hit a car at school...?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Other: “Question: I hit a car at school...?” plus 5 more

Question: I hit a car at school...?

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 10:35 AM PDT

Your just a new driver, so your driving skill are acceptable yet not as good as they will be after a few more years of driving experience. You need to accept the error, to just relax, then get over a simple driving mistake, you "will" make many more mistakes while driving, after all no one is perfect, right. With a little luck, your future mistake will be near misses rather than accidents.

Question: Can someone please give me a new bmw or tell me how to get one i'm in college so poor so helpless my parents don't love me please help?

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 10:08 AM PDT

My dad purchased my first car for me when I was 15 - 1958 VW Beetle- with a flat spot on the flywheel, so sometimes you would have to bump start it or get out and turn the engine over a few degrees to get the starter to engage the good teeth on flywheel. Drove it like that through most of HS until we put on a junkyard flywheel. $25 for car $10 for a used flywheel....having my own car.....priceless.

Question: Are automatics supposed to be able to redline?

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 09:45 AM PDT

Are automatics supposed to be able to redline?

I test drove a car the other day and I gave it a lot of power and it redlined. Ive never redlined an automatic before and I didnt know it was possible. The car drove well besides that but I wondering if it could have transmission problems. Its also a 4 cylider super charged.

Question: I'm 21, but don't have a drivers license yet. I live in Maryland. Do I need still need to have a learners permit for a while?

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 08:45 AM PDT

Of course you need a learner's permit, Maryland is not going to just issue you a license. Now, since you are 21, you do have the advantage of being exempted from the graduated license.

Question: Has your city or town passed an ordinance that requires full service at gas stations?

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 08:40 AM PDT

No, but the State of Oregon has had this law for many years. I didn't know there were any other places with laws against pumping gas, but I suppose it could happen.

The laws are typically pushed as being environmentally friendly because (supposedly) the gas station attendants will spill less gas than some idiot pumping his own gas, but that's a bunch of BS in my opinion.

Sorry to hear that your city counsel doesn't trust you to handle a basic task for yourself.

Question: Is pencil lead harmful to the inside of an iPhone?

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 08:31 AM PDT

Not good.

Pencil "lead" is graphite, which is conductive. In the wrong place, it could cause a short circuit. You should use a paper clip to press any "reset" buttons with any electronic device.

There's nothing you can do about it now, except hope that the bit of lead doesn't get to a bad place inside the phone. Don't use a mechanical pencil again.


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