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Monday, 1 September 2014

Cars & Transportation: Maintenance & Repairs: “Question: Is this a possible cracked block or blown gasket?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Maintenance & Repairs: “Question: Is this a possible cracked block or blown gasket?” plus 4 more

Question: Is this a possible cracked block or blown gasket?

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 04:50 PM PDT

Smoke Color Code: White...burning Water/Coolant, Blue...burning oil, Black...Burning excess fuel (running rich). When the engine is cold, take the radiator cap off and fill . Start the engine with the cap off, if it shoots out, you have compression entering the cylinder(s)...head gasket or cracked head or block. If it isn't, you probably need a new intake gasket.

Question: Mechanic put water in my radiator in 17 degree weather?

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 04:40 PM PDT

Mechanic put water in my radiator in 17 degree weather?

Took my car in for water pump they said I needed new radiator too. We told them we would take care of radiator (trying to keep cost down) we took them antifreeze and the part. We went the next week to pick it up and barely made it home. The radiator was frozen solid (it was 17 degrees) we called and he said he didn't guarantee any part he didn't sell. That was the mechanic. Should I talk to the owner before I take this to court?

Question: Why does my car stall when it's in park?

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 04:38 PM PDT

why does my car stall when it's in park?

I have an 05 toyota camry le & it runs perfect everything is fine BUT the fact it stalls when it's in park?? I had a new battery put in idk if that has anything to do with it. This is my first car & I just got it so I don't really know much about cars sadly :/

Question: 91 Honda Accord Kick/Sput when Idle in Park?

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 04:37 PM PDT

My 91 Honda Accord when i Start it Up it runs Fine but i Feel it Kick or Jolt every 3 to 5 Seconds like it is Missing or Igniting Improperly
i Also can here it Behind the car by the tail pipe prrrrr.kickprrrrrrrr
when i put the car in gear it does not kick it runs perfect no sput or kick what can this be?

- I Recently Had a Problem When the Car Wasent Getting a Spark and i replaced the Ignition Module and Coil that Fixed the No Spark Issue
- But I Still Have this Kick Or Sputt Issue is this Somthing that is Still A Problem
mabey with the Ignition or the Distributer
Does the Distributer Need Turned or Replaced

Question: Z32 front bumper?

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 04:32 PM PDT

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Where can I find the front bumper for my 1990 300zx it was in a front end collision I'm in the process of restoration but all I can find is the bumper covers


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