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Thursday, 11 September 2014

Cars & Transportation: Maintenance & Repairs: “Question: I need to know what the part where headlight attaches on a 2002 bravada. It broke off on a fender bender and i need a replacement?” plus 3 more

Cars & Transportation: Maintenance & Repairs: “Question: I need to know what the part where headlight attaches on a 2002 bravada. It broke off on a fender bender and i need a replacement?” plus 3 more

Question: I need to know what the part where headlight attaches on a 2002 bravada. It broke off on a fender bender and i need a replacement?

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 04:38 PM PDT

I need to know what the part where headlight attaches on a 2002 bravada. It broke off on a fender bender and i need a replacement?

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Question: 1990 f250 timing?

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 04:28 PM PDT

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I took the distributor off the change the ignition control module, when I put it back in, and tryto start it, it turns over half way then stops. Did I mess up the timing?

Question: My car broke down within a week! What should I do?

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 04:27 PM PDT

You bought yourself a used car without the skills and knowledge required to make a smart decision about the purchase. Used cars are sold "as is", which means the buyer accepts the risk for the vehicle and the responsibility for repairs. There is no right to return a vehicle, no refund, period. You buy it, you own it - problems included. Your options are to fix it, get rid of it, or do nothing and let it sit.

Question: Why does my car overheat when i put it on idle?

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 03:51 PM PDT

i have a honda civic that overheats, but it not a simple overheat when i drive or just park it usually take a categorized event like if i drive a long highway and then just stop and keep it on idle then it starts to overheat..

*ive did everything most people could have come up with ive checked the coolant, checked reservoir and more, but there is one thing that i notice now i heard it probably the fans but my fans work AT LEAST WHEN i turn on the a/c but i dont know if it works when the car start to overheat cause i have no patient to wait for it to go through the categorized event to overheat i also heard it may be something with the fuse or the relay but since i dont really know what they do im not sure so please if someone can give me a little info or idea


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