Question: Titling Vintage Dual-Sports! helpp? Posted: 31 Oct 2014 08:44 AM PDT Titling Vintage Dual-Sports! helpp? A friend traded an old falling apart 1978 Yamaha DT400e for my new HTC One M8,....I wanted a restoration project....only don't know what to do as far as titling....well I'm $200 already into the project and i realize....I have to register and title this to go onto the road which I plan to when I'm finished... Okay now my friend isn't the original owner....and the guy he bought it off of, I'm pretty sure isn't either.....Also this bike clearly hasn't been road worthy in a LOONGGG time....SO there won't be a title or registration in the files as Pennsylvania purges them every 6 years,....I already checked and the bike is not stolen.....frame and engine VIN matches., my question is, How am I to title and register this bike, when I've got no title for it (jeez its twice my age) and only a bill of sale between me and the guy I did a trade with?  |
Question: Driving, have you ever inadvertently fallowed, got stuck behind someone going near your destination? Posted: 31 Oct 2014 08:42 AM PDT Driving, have you ever inadvertently fallowed, got stuck behind someone going near your destination? I live in a small city and this will happen to me quite often. I will be around ten miles or so from my destination and get stuck behind someone. The car ahead will make all the same turns, most of the time if this happens I will use my signal before the car in front has a chance, letting he or she know my intention. I have actually fallowed someone to my apartment's parking lot and she didn't live their.  |
Question: My lawyer don't call,the insurance company qon't settle & pay me for my injury & pain in suffering & car. we already had one deposition? Posted: 31 Oct 2014 08:37 AM PDT my lawyer don't call,the insurance company qon't settle & pay me for my injury & pain in suffering & car. we already had one deposition? I just don't know what to do...this lady hit me from behind in feb 2013. my car was damaged,yet still drivable.i got hurt,plus I really had a lot of pain to go to physical therapy small rotar cuff tear.anyways lady is lieing on how accident happened and even lied on interogatory statement in which because of her false statement throughout the under oath intterogatory paper's should have got thrown out,case closed,the lady that hit me from behind didn't get ticketed,in which is the law so I had to file a complaint against the officier for not doing his job. anyways it 2014 almost 2015 & the ladies insurance company doesn't want to pay me and the right amount of money.i have $10,000 in medical bills, yet they wanted to settle as being funny with only 3,000 car was damage I want my money from that,pain in suffering,& my injury and I had paid out of my pocket medicines I needed for pain.anyways how long do the insurance company have to rightfully pay an injured citizen my insurance was only liability ,but 25,000 am I worth that I still have lawyer fee's. what can I say to my lawyer or insurance company to settle it doesn't take almost three years  |
Question: Ive been paying too much and have been shut off. unabke to drive, to i have a claim to some of my $, if i return car? Posted: 31 Oct 2014 07:55 AM PDT If you mean you had a loan to buy the car, you won't get anything back by returning the car. In fact, you will probably still owe money and will be pursued through the courts for it.  |
Question: Car insurance for 19 year old rates? Posted: 31 Oct 2014 05:20 AM PDT The price will be somewhere between an arm & a leg and bend over & take a deep breath. Only an insurance provider (agent, broker, etc) can give you an actual number, nobody else. Even if another 19 year old girl with a new licence and newer accident tells you what she's paying, that won't do you any good. It doesn't matter what she's paying, or what I'm paying, or what any 20,000 other people are paying, because that's not what you'll be paying. And only a professional can tell you, and only if you ask them. You could, maybe possibly, get quotes on websites, but don't. Do it by phone or in person with a professional agent or broker. There are a couple of reasons for this. One: The internet is literally infested with fraud artists, and some of them love posing as insurance providers. And the good scammers are really good. They can produce websites and documents which all look like the real thing, because looking real is how scammers make their money. I'm extensively trained in insurance and online fraud, and it takes me days to bust an online provider as a fake. If it takes me that long (I'm not bragging, I just spent years learning this stuff), you won't be able to spot a scam until you crash and realize your insurance company doesn't exist. Two: Real insurers don't want you as a customer, so they won't make it easy for you. You'll know you have a real insurer's website when you spend 20 minutes keying in your details for a quote, then at the end you get a screen that says "we're sorry, your request could not be processed" with instructions to try again next week or call 1-800-whatever. You're a teen, newly licensed, and you just recently crashed. That makes you the sort of customer they really hope will go somewhere else. NOTE: No insurer will admit that they do that "request cannot be processed" trick, in fact they'll deny it every time. But they do it. Three: In order to sucessfully do online quoting, you need at least a common understanding of all that technical (and financial and legal) mumbo-jumbo they speak. And you don't have that. Do you know what a liability limit is, or a deductible, or what Comprehensive covers that Specified Perils does not? Or what the hell a first party personal injury / accident benefits package will and won't cover and when? Of course you don't, because nobody speaks that friggin' language naturally. I personally know lawyers who don't know that stuff. But lucky for you, agents and brokers do. Any idiot can say "this much per month, sign here", but only a professional can tell you what the hell all that stuff is and what it means, so ask them before you sign. And if they dodge or refuse those questions, then you know who you don't want to deal with no matter how good the price.  |
Question: How do I register Planned Non Operation Vehicle in Texas? Posted: 30 Oct 2014 10:38 PM PDT How do I register Planned Non Operation Vehicle in Texas? I have a non working car that I wont be using in a while (maybe more than a year). Do I need to register it in DMV as non operational? Cannot find any information online. Thanks!  |