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Monday, 20 October 2014

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Why do the indians drivers honk so much here in Sunnyvale, California?” plus 3 more

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Why do the indians drivers honk so much here in Sunnyvale, California?” plus 3 more

Question: Why do the indians drivers honk so much here in Sunnyvale, California?

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 10:23 PM PDT

Lol, now you shall be hunted and honked at every turn. You are right about the habit, it started in India, Indians love showing off that they know how to drive or own a vehicle. When you're walking in the streets of India, people love driving into you, they don't mind if you get knocked out, its important to show that they own a vehicle and can drive. Watch out, the maharaja is coming by. Recently in India, three people beat up a police office in broad daylight.


In another incident, they beat up a woman administrative official with shoes.

Never argue with an Indian.

Question: Why did Conservatives tell Rosa Parks to get back in her seat?

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 08:43 PM PDT

that's how white people are. everywhere they go, they set up discriminatory systems based on arbitrary definitions

since thousands of years ago from the brahams of india
the cast system of england based on accents
la casta of spain
1 drop rule of the us
apartheid in south africa

it's just in white people's dna

look up any country ruled by whites, and i guarantee they will have an elaborate and ridiculous system of discrimination

Question: Why does Greyhound route you to destinations when some bus stations on route require an overnight stay in a local motel?

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 06:39 AM PDT

Why does Greyhound route you to destinations when some bus stations on route require an overnight stay in a local motel?

Because some (major) stations now close at night.

I was routed through Charleston, WV and was never told that that station closed at 10:30 PM. I thought that I could stay in the station all night and catch the next bus out at 6 AM! Fortunately I caught the problem early and made other arrangements!

Question: Am I crazy for this commute?

Posted: 19 Oct 2014 10:30 AM PDT

am I crazy for this commute?

I live in Stockton, CA and I go to school in Bakersfield, CA, 466 miles round trip, twice a week. I couldn't wait to go to school and I didn't want to leave my home and job here. I take the greyhound bus and it cost about 52$ a week for the two days.


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