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Saturday, 18 October 2014

Cars & Transportation: Maintenance & Repairs: “Question: Need help with spa chemicals. I have a 500 gallon spa with ozonator and used Nature2 mineral sanitizer.?” plus 2 more

Cars & Transportation: Maintenance & Repairs: “Question: Need help with spa chemicals. I have a 500 gallon spa with ozonator and used Nature2 mineral sanitizer.?” plus 2 more

Question: Need help with spa chemicals. I have a 500 gallon spa with ozonator and used Nature2 mineral sanitizer.?

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 04:13 PM PDT

Need help with spa chemicals. I have a 500 gallon spa with ozonator and used Nature2 mineral sanitizer.?

Added enough MPS each day to bring up to recommended level before using spa. (it dropped to zero every day) After a week the spa got cloudy. I've drained and starting over again. I read that you need to add a little chlorine to activate Nature2 stick and leave top off tub when adding MPS. Both of which I have not done. Is that why my spa got cloudy? PH, alkalinity have always been perfect but water may be a little too soft. Any suggestions? Do I need to add MPS before and after to keep it from dropping to zero? I have a large family and gets heavy use

Question: Why does my tires always get flat?

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 03:37 PM PDT

if it is all four then you may have an old set of worn tires or you managed to hit all four tires on something causing small leaks in all of them. Some bargain tires will lose a bit of pressure over time. Also the type of tire a low profile tire are more susceptible to damage not only to the tire but also the rim.

Question: Carburator help please?

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 03:21 PM PDT

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I have a 83 Chevy S10 ext cab , 2.8 v6, 5 speed, 4x4. The carb is a Varajet 2 non computer controlled. I recently rebuilt the carb and now. The thing doesn't want to work quite right. When driving and i hold the clutch. The engine will speed up to about 3000 rpm hold there a few seconds to a min. Then drop down to normal. All of the vacuum line are disconnected except for the distributor and brake booster.


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