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Thursday, 23 October 2014

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Increase of helicopter activity!!?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Increase of helicopter activity!!?” plus 4 more

Question: Increase of helicopter activity!!?

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 12:06 AM PDT

considering your observation skills, those are probably aliens taking over your Sin City.

all terrestrial helicopters have red and green and white position lights.

then again, it could just be some sort of VIP party that results in increased commercial traffic in and out of the neighboroughood- yet that's not as fancy as black ops running around, extra terrestrials or FEMA heding people into the NWO camps, right?

gotta feed the conspiracy nuts somehow.

Question: The benefits and possible drawbacks of flight automation in design and operation of passenger transport aircraft.?

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 11:19 PM PDT

the benefits and possible drawbacks of flight automation in design and operation of passenger transport aircraft.?

give examples of cases where flight automation has had a serious impact on events.

Question: The most efficient chemical rocket propellant is?

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 11:12 PM PDT

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Update : Nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) and hydrazine (N2H4)
An ammonium perchlorate composite
Hydrogen and oxygen

Question: Which is the best jet fighter in the world ?

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 09:31 PM PDT

Best is subjective. The F-22 is very overrated, over priced, & till a few days ago done jack zero in action. The F-15 has been a top platform for 30 year & un beaten in action. Toys are nice, Pilots matter more.


Saab Gripen fan

Question: An airplane is flying at an airspeed of 500 km/hr in a wind blowing at 60 km/hr toward the southeast.?

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 09:21 PM PDT

Totally insufficient information to answer the question.

What direction is the aircraft flying, is the aircraft or the wind blowing southeast

The answer could vary from 440 KPH to 560, we have no way of telling you


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