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Thursday, 16 October 2014

Cars & Transportation: Other: “Question: Was this an incorrect left turn?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Other: “Question: Was this an incorrect left turn?” plus 4 more

Question: Was this an incorrect left turn?

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 11:20 AM PDT

Was this an incorrect left turn?

So I had to turn left and there were cars all the way up to the point where if I turned left, I would be blocking the lane that oncoming left traffic. So instead of waiting for the right lane to clear, I ended up blocking the left lane... Should I have waited for my lane to clear before turning? Still learning how to drive. I appreciate the advice.

Question: Can siblings take you to get driver's license?

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 10:52 AM PDT

Can siblings take you to get driver's license?

My parents are out on vacation during the time I will take my road test. Can my sister, who's 28, take me to go get my license?? If so, do my parents have to sign anything to give permission for my sister to take me? Do I have to inform the DMV that my sister is going to take me? I live in Wisconsin!

Question: Car rims question?

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 10:44 AM PDT

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Basically I was planning to purchase alloy wheels for my car and I went to a Pep Boys store near me to get a better look, I noticed that all the wheels on display had either front wheel or rear wheel drive in the description and my car is all wheel drive so I am a bit confused if it's even worth buying them. Thank you in advance

Question: Hertz car rental question?

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 08:57 AM PDT

Hertz car rental question?

I just reserved a rental car online a month ahead, i was wondering if i can request a 2014 car model. I reserved a full size car, is it possible to ask for any 2014 car? i just want good new car for our trip


Posted: 16 Oct 2014 08:45 AM PDT

You could go to a temp agency and see what they have. Some jobs offer transportation pick-up, through a state-run plan. You could also take the bus.

There should be some sort of social services organization in your area that may help in finding housing, too.

You might also apply as a grounds-keeper or other help with an apartment group and hopefully they may also provide housing.


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