Question: Turn signals colors in CaliforniaM? Posted: 27 Nov 2015 05:10 PM PST You can believe idiots that don't know, or you are read the LAW: Code, Equipment, Signal Lights and I quote: " 24953. (a) Any turn signal system used to give a signal of intention to turn right or left shall project a flashing white or amber light visible to the front and a flashing red or amber light visible to the rear." See! The LAW says you can have white turn signals. No year limitations.  |
Question: Is it dangerous to drive out at during dusk in the evening or at night during the holiday seasons? Posted: 27 Nov 2015 04:32 PM PST My dad told me not to go outside or drive out after 5pm. because he suspects that I can be killed or robbed by somebody in the parking lot or anywhere else while it is dark during this holiday season through January 2016. Was he right? I'm 43 and man.  |
Question: I cut someone off with a left turn. I feel bad.? Posted: 27 Nov 2015 01:45 PM PST I've had my license for around 5 months, and this is the first time. I was driving a different car than I usually do. So I turned off a main street to turn around, and decided to circle around the entire block. I was driving up a street, and another car pulled on, going the opposite way. We were approaching the intersection (No stop signs or yields, I was signaling left, and they were going straight, and had right of way), though I was ahead, and I thought they were slowing down. I was kind of unsure, but turned impulsively, thinking I was far enough ahead. The person honked as I turned, and we ended up a lot closer than I thought. (We didn't crash, though I think they braked kind of hard.) I feel really stupid, because normally I'm a safe driver, and I should've just waited and given them their right of way just to be sure. I've had my license for five months, too, so I feel like I should already be past this. I also have this lingering fear that they'll track down my plates and I'll lose my license.  |
Question: Weird Emergency Vehicle, what do you think it was? Posted: 27 Nov 2015 09:18 AM PST I live in the United States, in a medium sized city in Pennsylvania, and today I noticed a strange type of emergency vehicle that I've never seen before. It was a pickup truck with a siren, similar to police or ambulance but with a different tone that had a flashing yellow light similar to what a tow truck has. It didn't have an air horn but was going through traffic lights. It had some writing on the side but I couldn't decipher what it said. Roughly a minute after it passed an ambulance, like the kind you normally see and hear in the states, passed through a red light. I'm just curious as what the pickup truck with sirens was if you have seen something similar; I'm just interested in emergency vehicles. Thanks  |
Question: Snow Tires?? HELP!? Posted: 27 Nov 2015 09:02 AM PST 175 / 55 R15 (x2) 215 / 35 R17 (x2) I CAN'T FIND SNOW TIRES FOR THESES SIZES! WHAT DO I DO?? *long pause* *dramatic music play* meh... *cries* seriously, though, I need the tire lords to come save me.  |
Question: My girlfriend crashed her car in a single car weather related accident, what can happen? Posted: 27 Nov 2015 07:17 AM PST Even if she couldn't have done anything once she hit the water, she could have done something before she hit the water, like slowing down or going a different route. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether it's "not her fault" if it's not anyone else's fault either. What matters is that it's not anyone else's fault, so no one else, and no one else's insurance, pays. If she had collision insurance, then her insurance pays, but because this is her second accident that wasn't caused by someone else, the price of her insurance goes up, a lot. If she didn't have collision insurance, then her insurance doesn't pay anything, so she pays for everything, herself, with her own money.  |