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Saturday, 4 October 2014

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Can I become a major pilot like for DELTA, American or United without military?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Can I become a major pilot like for DELTA, American or United without military?” plus 4 more

Question: Can I become a major pilot like for DELTA, American or United without military?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 08:03 PM PDT

A flight school does NOT get you a job with a major airline -

You become major airline pilot after having acquired years of flight experience -
And ability to handle sophisticated turbine powered airplanes as captain -

Currently, in USA, pilots acquire experience with regional/commuter carriers -
Where they become eventually captain of smaller jets, type CRJ or ERJ -

Then they might be hired by a major airline if with a few years of experience -

The military - Air Force or Navy, are the favorite pilots with major airlines -
You cannot compete with these pilots with 2,000 hrs of C-172 -
I had near 1,000 hours command time KC-135 (a 707) when hired by a major -
Back then (1968) 90% of the class were ex-Air Force or Navy pilots -

In the 1960s, they could hire pilots with very low experience - 250 hrs TT -
Generally they were initially first officer CV-340/440 or F-27 -
Or flight engineer B-707 - B-727 or DC-8 -

Question: What will be the salary of Boeing 777x pilot?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 04:40 PM PDT

Depends of the airline company -
Depends on the country -
Depends of the hours flown that month -
Depends on the position, captain, first or second officer -
Depends on the seniority (date of hire) with the airline -

In which currency - US$, CAN$, AUS$, NZ$, HK$, SIN$, UK£, €, ¥...?
Before or after taxes...? -

And by the year 2044, who knows, there will be no 777 left flying...
Next time ask the pay rates of Boeing 797 pilots...

Question: What is the procedure for transitioning a restricted airspace and MOA is. I know to contact the controlling agency, but im unsure?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 12:58 PM PDT

An MOA and Restricted Airspace are two very different things, even though they can contain some of the same activities. The first thing to know is that each have their hours of operation listed in some corner of a VFR Sectional Chart. You can check to see if they are possibly "hot" just by looking at the Sectional.

You can enter an MOA at anytime. There is no one to talk to, you don't need a clearance. But be extra vigilant. Military aircraft using an MOA can make rapid altitude changes and sudden turns, all at very high speed.

A Restricted Area requires the permission of the controlling agency for you to enter. There is usually a VHF frequency that you can contact them on but sometimes that frequency isn't published. If you are receiving Flight Following, Approach Control can check on the status of the Restriced Area and usually hand you off to the controlling agency is necessary.

When you request a transition, the usual stuff. Who you are, where you are, what altitude, what route.

Question: How many gallons per hour will the Aerion A2 burn when flying at Mach 1.6?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 10:43 AM PDT

First off, it's the AS2, not the A2. Second of all, there are no published figures and there will probably not be any until it has actually been built and flight-tested at that speed. It will probably be at least 5 years before that happens. Third, fuel-flow on an aircraft like that is measured in pounds or kilograms per hour, not gallons per hour.

Question: How a repair of non-critical aircraft can be rated ? as maintenance repair (Avionics) of Limited Ratings on FAA?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 09:32 AM PDT

Your "question" is hard to understand. You need to work on your English language communications skills, but what I think you are asking is if a repair station can just make random repairs on any old aircraft component, and the answer is NO! The REPAIR STATION must be certified to perform the tasks required to repair the component at hand.


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