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Sunday, 5 October 2014

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Why don't 747 planes have ejector seats to allow the passengers & crew on a 747 to bail out before a plane crash?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Why don't 747 planes have ejector seats to allow the passengers & crew on a 747 to bail out before a plane crash?” plus 4 more

Question: Why don't 747 planes have ejector seats to allow the passengers & crew on a 747 to bail out before a plane crash?

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 08:39 PM PDT

OK, let us suppose all airliners are equipped with ejection seats -
For pilots and for passengers -
And this is for all types of airplanes, not for 747 only... right...?

Shall we say, 1 minute notice needed for people to comply for order to eject...?
When do passengers "know" they are about to crash...?

(1) Crash on takeoff -
No time to eject, because crash occurs seconds after liftoff from runway -

(2) During cruise -
With a bomb exploding on board... no time to eject - immediate explosion -
Same with a missile - no time to eject - immediate explosion -

(3) During climb or descent -
Airplane hits a mountain or collides with other airplane -
No time to eject - immediate crash -

(4) Crash during landing -
Again the airplane lands, everything looks good... but crashes - no time to eject -

So, what are ejection seats good for...?
Each seat would weigh - say 200 kilos extra weight -
Passengers would need to be briefed how to use ejection seat -

So tell me when you have the time to exit the airplane, or eject...?

Question: Am 16 and I'm almost 17 and am wondering can a 17 year old go sky diving?

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 02:38 PM PDT

Skipper, I thought you were turning 71 this year?

Anyway, a lot of places make you wait until your 18. SOME places allow you to go at 16, BUT with parental permission. I would suggest looking up info about your local drop zones to find the age.

But like I said, if the drop zones near you allow you to go at 16-17 with parental permission, you better hope your mom and dad don't say "no!!" like mine did.

Question: Do all A380 Emirates flights have the new black widescreen tv in economy? Please help out i cant find these answers anywhere?

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 02:09 PM PDT

Do all A380 Emirates flights have the new black widescreen tv in economy? Please help out i cant find these answers anywhere?

A380-800 FLIGHTS that go 8 or 14 hours

Question: Can I be a fighter pilot in the USAF if I have 20/100 vision?

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 12:40 PM PDT

In practical considerations, the Air Force will not select any fighter pilot with vision inferior to 20/20 - Keep on dreaming...

The Air Force has sufficient number of candidates with excellent vision -

Question: What is the salary of Airbus A380 pilot?

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 12:39 PM PDT

whatever the airline happens to be paying for someone with enough experience to be eligible to fly one of them


you don't get paid on the basis of what aircraft you fly


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