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Monday, 13 October 2014

Cars & Transportation: Boats & Boating: “Question: Does a Jeaneau 50 sailboat need generator to run a/c?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Boats & Boating: “Question: Does a Jeaneau 50 sailboat need generator to run a/c?” plus 4 more

Question: Does a Jeaneau 50 sailboat need generator to run a/c?

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 11:31 AM PDT

does a Jeaneau 50 sailboat need generator to run a/c?

I am looking at a Jeanneau 50 sailboat and I know it has a/c, but can I anchor without generator and have a/c running? Does it use 12v? Batteries? Or its only 110v? Anyone that has knowledge on those sailboats can you please explain.
thank you so much

Question: Can 10000 watt generator handle 115 amps?

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 08:57 AM PDT

P = IE
P/E = I
10,000W/120V = 83.3A

Nope. And that's just apparent power, it doesn't take power factor into account.

P = IE
P = (115A)(120V)
P = 13,800

So you would need a minimum of 13,800 Watts into a purely resistive load to barely meet the spec. More would give you some headroom.

Question: Needing boat speakers?

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 11:50 PM PDT

I have a speed boat and would love to get some speakers for it. Are there wireless speakers that will bluetooth to my phone that is made for boats? If not what can i get instead? I don't want to have to spend over $100.

Update : Also is there something i can buy to hold my skis? Like a rack that sits on top of my boat?

Question: Which publisher makes the best outboard motor manual?

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 11:06 PM PDT

Which publisher makes the best outboard motor manual?

My cousin owns a 1975 Evinrude 40 HP. It runs very well, but the hydaulic tilt assist is broken. I was a Diesel Mechanic and would like to try and rebuild the lift, rather than replace it. He says the part is $650. I'd like to do other repairs on it as well, when necessary.

Question: Is there any reason to go near the propeller of a sports boat while it's in the water?

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 05:48 PM PDT

Not usually unless you have been misfortunate to get something wrapped around the prop.

Try not to go near a prop whilst in the water and engine is running. Props are very efficient at cutting toe nails starting from ones head and working down.


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