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Friday, 3 October 2014

Cars & Transportation: Insurance & Registration: “Question: Should I apply for driving school?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Insurance & Registration: “Question: Should I apply for driving school?” plus 5 more

Question: Should I apply for driving school?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 08:52 AM PDT

insurance goes down quite a bit and it's cheaper for years. so you get the money back in savings.

If you don't think you will learn anything then you are too cocky of a new driver and need to re-think your ability. you can ALWAYS learn something new, or improve.
Also if you only have a G1 then it's illegal to drive on a 400 series highway unless you are with an instructor.

Question: Where on the back of the title would you sign?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 08:00 AM PDT

That depends on exactly what you're trying to do in your mystery location.

You do know that title documents aren't governed by international law, right? They're a jurisdictional thing, as in state, province, territory, whatever.

You know what, never mind all that complicated stuff. Just sign where it says "sign here" and has a big red arrow. If yours doesn't have a big red arrow, call the UN immediately and ask for a new one.

Question: My car was damaged at work, who's responsible for the damages?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 07:56 AM PDT

Did your boss create, or even control the wind? Because only a really really strong wind will move a friggin' dumpster. Those things aren't light.

If your employer did control the wind (and you can prove it), they're 100% responsible for your damage. Take them to court if you have to (if you can prove it), and you'll win.

But if they didn't control the wind, you have no legal case against them at all. Even if they own, lease or rent the dumpster (they're usually just rented), that doesn't mean anything. In order for someone to be legally responsible for a loss, the loss has to be caused by something they could have and reasonably should have controlled.

If your employer couldn't have reasonably controlled the wind, then the damage to your vehicle is entirely your responsibility. I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but it's what you need to know. Go ask a lawyer if you don't believe me.

Question: Someone rear ended me Will my parents find out who was in the car with me?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 07:31 AM PDT

Yup, Dad will probably find out. In fact unless he's a complete idiot, he'll definitely find out. Just tell him, because better if he hears it from you than when he finds out you lied to him. He'll find out either way, but this way at least you keep his respect.

He won't be happy that you broke his rules, but he will be happy that you did the right thing. Dads are really weird that way. I have one and I am one, so you can trust me on this.

Okay, so you f**ked up. People do that, in fact it's human nature to f**k up once in a while. Have you ever wondered why car insurance is so blasted expensive? It's because everyone f**ks up sooner or later. No kidding, that's how often f**king up happens, and it happens to the best of the best.

If you f**k up once, it's bad but not terrible. But if you f**k up and lie about it, now you f**ked up twice in a row. Then, and believe this, you'll have to lie about the lie you told, and then you'll have to lie to cover the lie to cover the original lie. See the pattern here? You're guaranteed to get busted, because nobody can cover that many lies in a row. Now you know why it's called the snowball effect.

But if you f**k up once and just tell the truth, you don't have to deal with all those other f**k ups. Because if you f**k up twice, then three and four times, you didn't just f**k up. You did that sh*t on purpose.

Please excuse the nasty f**king language. But this is serious stuff, and serious stuff deserves the use of every word we've got.

Question: What will happen if im in a car accident & I'm underage & have no license or permit & are not listed on the insurance? I live in Texas?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 07:11 AM PDT

Yikes. Your parents would have to try to handle the insurance claim and hopefully they will be cool with that.

Were there police involved? If police do get involved you could be held back from getting your license for two to three more years. Talk to whoever is on the policy and see what they think would be right to do. If the woman you hit contacts your insurance carrier there will be a lot of questions for you to answer.

Don't drive until you are legally able and responsible enough to do so!

Question: What do I do in regards to my accident?

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 06:13 AM PDT

Yup, you're being scammed. Tell this person to go to hell.

If your insurer refused to cover the damage, they would have informed you in writing immediately. That's the law, and every insurance company knows it. You'd know if they weren't covering this accident.

But since you mentioned that it was an 88 Oldsmobile, here's what probably happened: Your insurer did cover their loss, just not the way the owner thought they should. People who have cars that old often think they're entitled to more than just normal repair costs, because they think their car is a collector's vehicle. It's not, it's just old, but they think it's a classic. When the insurance company only pays for regular repairs for the damage that was done, they feel cheated. They think insurance should cover a whole bumper, original GM parts of course, but insurance doesn't work that way. So they figure they'll accept a settlement from the insurer and go after the other driver directly for the rest of their imagined loss.

But that's not how it works. When an insurance company agrees to a settlement (even when they just pay for repairs), they get a signature from the claimant on a settlement agreement. In that agreement, it will say that their payment constitutes "full and final settlement for all loss or damage" arising from the accident. They use those words on purpose, because they mean exactly that. Full and final only means one thing. No insurance company in the world would forget to have that document signed, because covering their butts is an insurer's #1 priority at all times.

Call your insurance company, let them know that this turkey has been contacting you, and ask for a copy of the settlement agreement. Or just ask if they have one, in case you need it. Then call the turkey back and let them know that, since they already accepted full and final settlement, they can pretty much go to hell and stop calling you.


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