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Thursday, 2 October 2014

Cars & Transportation: Safety: “Question: Im 16... and a car bumped me... scared.?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Safety: “Question: Im 16... and a car bumped me... scared.?” plus 4 more

Question: Im 16... and a car bumped me... scared.?

Posted: 01 Oct 2014 10:08 PM PDT

Pro tip: don't be too careful when driving, relax, driving is to be enjoyed. I was cautious as hell when I first started driving (constantly checking mirrors, gauges, speed, hands at ten and two) got into four accidents in one year, none of them my fault. I threw all that safety crap out the window and just became more aware of drivers around me, 25 years of accident free driving.

Question: I got in a crash today fender bender?

Posted: 01 Oct 2014 09:45 PM PDT

I got in a crash today fender bender?

I got in a crash today fender bender i was coming down the road this suv was in front of me he was stopping he didn`t have no turning signal on he slow down so i did to, he stopped no signal to turn left so i thought i could pass him so i did, he started to turn left in to this driveway i tryed to stop but to late i hit the driver side of his suv just side not from be hide so i was wondering if i was going to get charge for it he was for not signaling right i get different answer from people about this i live in canada ontario if that helps I know different country different rules of road forgot to say that we called the cops and the police report is going to take a week to come!

Question: Who is at fault in this situation?

Posted: 01 Oct 2014 08:23 PM PDT

I actually looked up the Massachusetts drivers manual about this, and the only info it stated was if you're in a multi lane and you're making a turn into another multi lane, then you need to stick to the same lane, or if you're turning onto a one way street, to stick to the same lane.

But where I was stopped it was only one lane, and I where was turning out was a multi lane road. However the left and right lanes split within a few feet, heading in opposite directions, which is why I had to turn into the right lane.

It's not like I cut her off, in which case I would totally be at fault. But I checked both my left and right multiple times before pulling out, and both sides were totally clear. The woman came out of nowhere and didn't even acknowledge that I was in the middle of pulling out.

Question: Neighbors have boxed in my car and have made threats to damage it. What is the best route of action for this?

Posted: 01 Oct 2014 07:55 PM PDT

To move. Ongoing issues not worth living with. Since we have fallen out already any action we take will escalate issues and result in worse situations.

Question: I got in a crash today fender bender?

Posted: 01 Oct 2014 07:54 PM PDT

I got in a crash today fender bender?

I got in a crash today fender bender i was coming down the road this suv was in front of me he was stopping he didn`t have no turning signal on he slow down so i did to, he stopped no signal to turn left so i thought i could pass him so i did, he started to turn left in to this driveway i tryed to stop but to late i hit the driver side of his suv just side not from be hide so i was wondering if i was going to get charge for it he was for not signaling right i get different answer from people about this i live in canada ontario if that helps I know different country different rules of road


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