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Thursday, 28 August 2014

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Rate the name *Lila*?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Rate the name *Lila*?” plus 4 more

Question: Rate the name *Lila*?

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 04:27 PM PDT

Do you like the name Lila?(Lie-Luh)

What do you rate it from 1-10?
Do you think with the popular lily,lilia,leila,etc, that this name will just get lost with the others?

Question: Who was In the wrong?

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 09:14 AM PDT

The other car was absolutely "in the wrong", that being said, you did the right thing and now know that people do stupid stuff all the time, so you must anticipate that they WILL do the wrong thing and be ready for it.

Question: "why do so many people in PHX walk down the middle of the street instead of the sidewalks? EVEN when they are pushing baby carriages.?

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 08:35 AM PDT

"why do so many people in PHX walk down the middle of the street instead of the sidewalks? EVEN when they are pushing baby carriages.?

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Question: Whats the best area to live in when commuting to Washington, DC? Has a great school system and NOT expensive.?

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 05:13 AM PDT

If you go far west in Virginia, you'll be spending 3 hours plus a day on the road. It's affordable, but that's a lot of life to lose and the schools don't compare favorably to the counties closer to DC.

Try Frederick in Maryland. You'll still have a long commute but it's affordable and most of the schools are decent. In this area the great school systems are in the most expensive areas.

Graduated high school in Fairfax, VA and live in Montgomery County, MD.

Question: What does this shipment status mean?

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 04:37 AM PDT

My package I ordered from amazon says
"Status: IN-TRANSIT Last Scan: 8/27/2014 10:52:00 AM Shipment information sent to FedEx US"

I got a refund because I ordered the wrong one, but does that mean that the wrong one is already on it's way to me and I need to ship it back? Can the seller reverse the shipment?

Thanks for the help



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