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Saturday, 30 August 2014

Cars & Transportation: Other: “Question: Is a Maserati too flashy?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Other: “Question: Is a Maserati too flashy?” plus 4 more

Question: Is a Maserati too flashy?

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 11:12 AM PDT

Is a Maserati too flashy?

I really want a car you don't normally see on the road & I'm leaning towards the new "Ghbli" because it's only 65,000$, and it looks like a regular sedan but still being a cheaper Maserati. Will this car still be too "flashy"? From a far you can't really tell that it's even a Maserati.

Question: Looking for a RC car similar to a real car mechanically?

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 10:41 AM PDT

Hi all, I'm looking for a RC car as close to a real car as you can find. Under $300 would be nice, seeing as some can be expensive, but if it isn't under, please show me anyway! I'd like to practice drivetrain conversions and others, but I don't want to buy a whole car, haha!

(I put this question in this category instead of Hobbies because I'd like people who are mechanically knowledgeable to answer)

Question: Will I get a ticket?

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 10:19 AM PDT

Normally the pressure pads before the cross walk signal the cameras to take the picture, as in if the light is red and the sensor detects pressure then no pressure it takes a picture, figuring you ran a red, as there's no pressure sensors in the middle of the intersection its doubtful a picture was taken, But you'll find out soon enough. In any case its an easy ticket to beat.

Question: Ptde packet?! I have been waiting for about a month I sent it off and paid my money and everything but they still have no sent it via email!?

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 09:56 AM PDT

Ptde packet?! I have been waiting for about a month I sent it off and paid my money and everything but they still have no sent it via email!?

Help me please... How long did it take for y'all to get y'all ptde packet because I told them email it to me because it was quicker...

Question: How to convince my mom i want a different car?

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 09:46 AM PDT

Have you ever had a tune up? Then it could be the "way" you drive. Pedal to the metal on the green light.
Maybe it was a way so you don't drive around.

I drive around aimlessly using a $100 of gas(at the old price of .60/gal a day) in a 4 banger car.


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