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Thursday, 21 August 2014

Cars & Transportation: Motorcycles: “Question: 2006 suzuki gsxr very slow!!!! HELP!!?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Motorcycles: “Question: 2006 suzuki gsxr very slow!!!! HELP!!?” plus 4 more

Question: 2006 suzuki gsxr very slow!!!! HELP!!?

Posted: 20 Aug 2014 11:14 PM PDT

I'm surprised you haven't checked the spark plug colour after running the engine - they are a big clue for if the different cylinders are getting oiled up, weak or over-rich mixture.
You don't say if the throttle is opening fully.
You don't say if you are getting spark on all cylinders, or of the spark is good or weak, or if you have checked the spark timing.
You don't say if you have checked the cam timing, valve gaps, cylinder compression or any of the other other basic checks. Start with the basics, get them right and it should go much better.

Clutch slip is easy to diagnose (change in engine revs, in any gear, not matched by change in road speed).

Then check the rider.
Are you changing up too soon? Check the power band for that engine and change at the right revs - usually a lot higher than car engines.
Are you releasing the clutch fully and not riding the brakes a bit?
Are you heavy?

Question: What was your first motorcycle?

Posted: 20 Aug 2014 11:06 PM PDT

2008 kawasaki ninja 250r first bike, last about 6 weeks
Then 2009 yamaha vstar 650 for 4 weeks
Then 2006 suzuki gsxr 750 currently
I'm also having power issues with the gsxr, maybe you can help.

Question: New to riding- is it okay for me to ride with other guys? And is it okay for my boyfriend to give rides to other women?

Posted: 20 Aug 2014 10:06 PM PDT

Do whatever you like -- riding is about fun and enjoying yourselves.
Why are you worried about what others do or if they have some sort of strange "code"

Holding on is for safety not to get some sexual thrill, if you wan to ride with other guys then ride with other guys if you don't want to then don't -- pretty simple really

Question: Kx 85 or 80 and what model and year is this?

Posted: 20 Aug 2014 09:52 PM PDT

kx 85 or 80 and what model and year is this?

I have a kx 85 or 80 and I'm doing some fixing on it. I can't find the vin number. I'm not sure where it is on this bike, I want to know the year and model and if its a 85 or 80 can anyone explain how to do it

Question: Is buying an older bike, Honda Shadow, with rebuilt carbs a bad thing or something I should seriously avoid? Buying my first bike.?

Posted: 20 Aug 2014 08:53 PM PDT

Rebuilt by who ? Dwayne on his patio table with a bottle of Jack ,,,,, or a Honda tech or at a carb shop ,,,,,, that is the question .

A carb rebuilt properly is a good thing ,,,,, once Dwayne gets his hands on it , it'll never be the same again


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