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Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Cars & Transportation: Insurance & Registration: “Question: Can I buy a car is my ability to drive is suspended?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Insurance & Registration: “Question: Can I buy a car is my ability to drive is suspended?” plus 4 more

Question: Can I buy a car is my ability to drive is suspended?

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 08:51 AM PDT

Can I buy a car is my ability to drive is suspended?

Ok, here's my issue. I currently owe a bit of money to DMV and my driving privileges are suspended for 2 months. I'm planning on paying DMV every dime I owe them, taking a driving course, and paying the license re-in-statement fee. After all the fees are paid, I'm planning on buying a car. I'm still deciding whether it will be from a dealership or via a private owner. But even with the fees being paid, I'll be buying the car before my 2 month suspension of driving privileges is over. Will my license still be in-valid? Will I be able to buy a car from a dealership? If I do buy it from a private owner, will I be able to register it or will I have to wait? Thanks!

Question: Can I get a "No Insurance" violation dismissed?

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 08:44 AM PDT

NO! They WILL NOT dismiss the "no insurance" violation because you were also driving without a license and you failed to stop for a red light. The ONLY thing that's going to happen if you go get your license BEFORE the court date is that you will have a license for the Judge to take away.

Sounds to me as if you need a SERIOUS attitude adjustment, and I'm certain the Judge will help you with that when you go see him.

Question: How much would insurance be for a first time driver whos 18 in ny?

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 07:48 AM PDT

No one on Yahoo can tell you. There are far too many variables that go into pricing out a driver's insurance premiums.

The only way you will get an accurate answer is to call an insurance agent or broker and ask...

Question: Getting title from paid Off Car?

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 07:09 AM PDT

Getting title from paid Off Car?

I Just Paid Off My Car Beggining Of August And Im Trying To See When My Title Will Come , I Called The Nashville Dmv They Said They Sent It Off Friday So Should I Expect It This Week Sometime ?

Question: Third party insurance claim ? in state of TN?

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 06:52 AM PDT

third party insurance claim ? in state of TN?

ok so last week a driver ran a red light and tboned me. it totaled my car and I had to go to the er for minor injury.but now I'm back in the doc with serious back pain. anyway long story short my ins had lapst (I know it's bad) so I had no auto at the time but how does this work if it's was his fault and he has ins?


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