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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Why should noise abatement procedures be carried out at any airport?” plus 1 more

Cars & Transportation: Aircraft: “Question: Why should noise abatement procedures be carried out at any airport?” plus 1 more

Question: Why should noise abatement procedures be carried out at any airport?

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 02:49 AM PDT

Funny, isn't it, that when new airports are opened, they are built out in the middle of nowhere so the noise doesn't disturb anyone. Then, a few years later, there are houses built right up to the edges of the perimeter fence and the neighbors are complaining about airplane noise. My attitude is "SCREW EM!" They KNEW they were buying a house next to an airport, and they deserve what they get.

Question: Why aircraft pilots are certified by hours they have flied instead of the distance?

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 11:31 PM PDT

Flight time is always the measurement of flight experience of pilots -

As an example (FAA regulations) a captain getting qualified on a type of airplane, must complete a minimum of 25 hours of flight time under observation of a check pilot - However he receives credit of 1 hour flight time for each landing he performed - Therefore, a captain could complete qualification on a type of airplane after 22 hours and 3 landings -

A new captain must fly every takeoff and every landing and cannot permit the first officer to fly takeoffs and landings, until he completes 100 hours of flight time on the type of airplane -

Maintenance inspections and "age" (wear and tear) of airplanes is measured by combination of flight time (hours) and cycles (a takeoff and landing is 1 cycle) -


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