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Monday, 18 August 2014

Cars & Transportation: Car Audio: “Question: Why can't I ask a long question on here? I have an important automobile ? , but I need more characters to explain my situation.Please help.?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Car Audio: “Question: Why can't I ask a long question on here? I have an important automobile ? , but I need more characters to explain my situation.Please help.?” plus 5 more

Question: Why can't I ask a long question on here? I have an important automobile ? , but I need more characters to explain my situation.Please help.?

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 06:55 AM PDT

Why can't I ask a long question on here? I have an important automobile ? , but I need more characters to explain my situation.Please help.?

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Question: 2006 Saturn Vue, a 10a fuse keeps blowing. "Radio (Ign)" fuse. I have a stock stereo system which I have installed an RCA adapter to.?

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 06:27 AM PDT

Update : All of the wiring is correct. There does not appear to be any wires loose ...show more

Update 2: That is the only fuse that is blown and continues to blow. All of the ...show more

Update 3: That is the only fuse that is blown and continues to blow. All of the ...show more

Update 4: One more thing I forgot to mention: My radio has been working. The fuse ...show more

Question: Can I use a guitar amp with a NON passive bass amp for my keyboard?

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 12:44 AM PDT

Hello there,

You can use a guitar amp (head) to run through the speakers of your amp. You would have to disconnect the bass amp from the speakers and run the guitar amp to them. Of course, you will need to be concerned about impedance matching (new amp to old speakers).

Frankly, I think that is a waste. I would guess the problem is not the amp, but the speaker(s). Swap out the bass speakers from your amp with something more mid-range (like guitar speakers). That would more likely get you the tone you seek.


Question: Remote turn on wire has how many amps?

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 11:18 PM PDT

No one puts a fuse in the remote wire for an amp. Makes no sense. If it gets shorted out it will pop a fuse in your radio, or a fuse in the amp. It's pointless. You put a fuse in a power wire because if it gets shorted out it can actually start a fire or cause the battery to explode. So it has a reason to have a fuse.

Why isn't your remote wire connected to your radio? If your radio doesn't have a remote wire, or if the remote wire burned out, then simply connect the remote wire from the amp to the Accessory wire on the radio. That's the RED one, and only has power when the key is turned on. You want the amp on when the key is turned on right? Or pick any open spot in your cars fuse panel to add the wire. You rarely need to run a wire all the way to the battery for something. But if you insist, then a 10A is just fine. If it seems to blow, then get the next size up, until it doesn't blow. A remote wire needs very little power, just a small 12v signal to tell the amp to turn on is all.

Question: Would a Rockford Fosgate T1 12" subwoofer be louder than an Alpine Type R 12"?

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 10:13 PM PDT

Based purely on specs, the Alpine looks like the more capable sub in terms of loudness, but specs don't always play out the way you think they will.
Cone area is basically the same, but the T1 has more xmax. That SHOULD result in more measurable SPL, but it would take precisely the right box to harness that capability.

Plus "harnessing that capability" probably means a peak response over a very narrow bandwidth that you'd probably only pic up if you have a sensitive mic to measure it.

Question: Which position is ULTIMATELY the BEST position for 12 10'' subwoofers...up (facing the roof) or facing the rear?

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 10:06 PM PDT

Which position is ULTIMATELY the BEST position for 12 10'' subwoofers...up (facing the roof) or facing the rear?

Ok so i have several years in car audio sound systems in my teenage years up till my mid 20's. I have had dual systems (2 12''s with an amp and sealed box) and a few years later, a quad system (4 12''s with 2 amps and 2 sealed boxes). Of all the years of having car audio systems, all my subs faced the rear of my car's trunks. I feel that this is the best for louder booming sound. Now, i am REALLY upgrading this time around with 12 10'' subs (1,200watts each), 6 amps (2,000watts each). I asked a professional subwoofer and car audio technician whom claims that all subs facing upwards will still give off great boom. As i need a fully customized box for all these subs. His design is one very large box to accomendate all 12 subs and the portholes be facing the read of the vehicle. The vehicle in question is a 1998 Chevy Blazer, so i do have the room. i said to the professional that i am not aimed to project sound (bass) towards the sky, but in front of the vehicle. He tells me that the portholes facing the rear, the pressure would bounce off the rear and project forward. The bass comes out of the portholes???? I have done partial research and will do more, in addition to reading anyone's comments to this question. The box will cost me $600.00 and wanna be sure i dont end up blowing my money on a box that wont give me the bass that i should be getting. All helpful and knowledgable information is greatly appriciated and thank all that respond.


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