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Monday, 18 August 2014

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Is a job where I'm driving around all day gonna be worth it?” plus 2 more

Cars & Transportation: Commuting: “Question: Is a job where I'm driving around all day gonna be worth it?” plus 2 more

Question: Is a job where I'm driving around all day gonna be worth it?

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 08:22 PM PDT

Don't forget the cost of extra maintenance, , fluids, repairs, tires, extra insurance...because it is illegal to drive a car for business and be rated as a personal vehicle. Also you are going to wear it out earlier and have to replace it as well depending on how many miles per year you drive. I would ask them for a flat milage fee rather than them only compensate you for fuel. Check and see what your state pays for milage.

Question: I'm confused on what I need to do.?

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 05:58 PM PDT

I'm a 17 year old girl. I live in the middle of nothing, meaning almost 25 miles away from the nearest town. I have not been allowed to learn to drive, since my family's car insurance states that nobody is permitted to drive our vehicles unless they are over the age of 25. I need to save up for my own car and car insurance, since I will be leaving on my own and I can't rely on my parents forever. The tough part is, I can't get a job without driving, and I can't drive without a car. This seems like a ridiculous catch-22, since I can't get a job without a car and I can't get a car without a job. I am very responsible, and I feel ready for some independence. My family has stated their inability to drive me to and from a job, as they can barely get back and forth to their own with today's economy. As I have said, we live too far away from civilization for me to walk or ride a bike. I don't know many people, as the area we live in is filled with summer and weekend cottages. We are one of the only people who live here year-round, so the idea of carpooling or paying for rides is out of the question.

Please, only polite and thoughtful answers. Thank you for your time in advance.

Question: Ex girlfriend problems help?

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 05:57 AM PDT

Ex girlfriend problems help?

We been broken up for 2 and half months I beg and beg for so long all she did was yell at me or curse if see seen something on Facebook she would text me at yell at me I saw her yesterday after not seeing her since break up told her how much I loved her and that I change she blames everything on me now she text me and says this I haven't done anything wrong. You proved yourself to be the boyfriend that you were while we were together. The fact that you claim to have changed now really doesn't mean anything to me. You should have changed while you had the chance while we were together while I was giving you a billion second chances. There comes a point where there can't be any more chances because after awhile I'm just cheapening myself and I deserve more than that. I tried for our relationship and you could have cared less than to even pretend to try. The fact that youu supposedly care now means nothing to me. You had many chances to care and you chose not to take them. If you really loved me you would have cared when you should have. It shouldn't have taken me leaving you for you to see what you had. I deserve someone who knows what they have WHEN they have me. Not after I've left. I'm a good girl and I'm no longer giving out all these chances. You don't want to take them when they're available to you then I don't have time to give out extras when you feel you're ready. Sorry but that's the way it is. You made your bed, now you have to sleep in it. What should I say back ?


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