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Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Cars & Transportation: Buying & Selling: “Question: I have '10 rav4 nada value is $14k owe $5k My 17 yo needs a 1st car and we have $4k for it. I want 28k subaru. give it 2 her or tradein?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Buying & Selling: “Question: I have '10 rav4 nada value is $14k owe $5k My 17 yo needs a 1st car and we have $4k for it. I want 28k subaru. give it 2 her or tradein?” plus 4 more

Question: I have '10 rav4 nada value is $14k owe $5k My 17 yo needs a 1st car and we have $4k for it. I want 28k subaru. give it 2 her or tradein?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 08:45 PM PDT

I have '10 rav4 nada value is $14k owe $5k My 17 yo needs a 1st car and we have $4k for it. I want 28k subaru. give it 2 her or tradein?

My credit is just ok. Should I get her a 4k beater or take the trade in value of my rav toward my subaru down payment? Rav has only had regular oil changes, brakes and tires replaced. 118k v6 good condition, but not great.

Question: Manual cars for $5k and under?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 08:11 PM PDT

manual cars for $5k and under?

I'm 16 guy and I got my license 2 months ago I'm going to buy a car this weekend and I haven't fully decided which car I want I'm obviously aware of insurance soo no sport cars please. The car has to be manual,4 cyl or v6, and year 2001+ the only two cars I'm considering is the scion TC and the Nissan altima se-r.. btw I'm from southern California

Question: Toyota Tacoma or nissan frontier?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 07:52 PM PDT

The Tacoma has always been the reliable one. Nissan Frontier isnt far behind though, they're still pretty reliable. As far as MPG the Tacoma has a slight advantage.

I heard the ecoboost F150s are not as efficient as they say and have tons of issues in cold weather.

I would take a Tacoma with TRD offroad package. They hold their value VERY well. Try finding an automatic 09 non TRD Tacoma for under $15k. not possible.

After the Tacoma I'd take a Frontier PRO-4X as they're pretty good offroad too.

Question: Is Paying $124 a month too much for a your first car?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 07:38 PM PDT

It depends on what car is it, and how many months you are going to pay. By that amount, it must be old and has a lot of miles on it.
My first brand new Civic was around $325 / month for 60 months back in 2002.

Question: How much should I sell cheap Chinese rings for at the flea market?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 07:00 PM PDT

$.99 cents. I go to a flea market most Sundays to buy some items and they usually sell fake (cheap) jewelry items for $1.00
Good Luck :)

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