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Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Cars & Transportation: Insurance & Registration: “Question: I stole a bike off the streets and i got caught by someone and the bike was in my garage. What punishment will i get for this and im 15.?” plus 4 more

Cars & Transportation: Insurance & Registration: “Question: I stole a bike off the streets and i got caught by someone and the bike was in my garage. What punishment will i get for this and im 15.?” plus 4 more

Question: I stole a bike off the streets and i got caught by someone and the bike was in my garage. What punishment will i get for this and im 15.?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 09:07 AM PDT

You will most likely have to return the bike for one I honestly don't know. BUT if you are smart you WONT do it again. learn from this mistake because it's so very easy to do it again and maybe in the future steal something far worse.

Question: Who is liable for car-repair UK?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 08:11 AM PDT

Legal question relating to the UK. Ex-missus had the car, registered in my name, I was insured on it, she was insured on it, both of us fully comp. She ruined the clutch and and flywheel, forcing repair at a bill of over 2k. Just to point out, although i was insured on the car, i was working abroad so had no hand in the gradual demise of the clutch and the mechanics says it is definitely due to wear, possibly intentional. So, the question is, am I 100% liable for the repair costs. Please, I would appreciated informed answers, not just some guys opinion as many of these answers turn out to be.



Question: Dose it cost to take the driving test?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 07:41 AM PDT

You do have to pay a fee. How much will vary according to where you live - tell us that, and we can tell you the fee in your location.

In the UK it is £31 for the written test, and then £62 for the practical.

Question: What's on the written driving test in Missouri?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 07:40 AM PDT

What's on the written driving test in Missouri?

I know there's 25 questions but on what. I've read the book but I'd feel much better if I knew what kind of questions there going to ask

Question: Can you register a Daihatsu in California?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 07:07 AM PDT

Before you can register it in California the vehicle will have to import it into the United States first. The first link is for Customs and Border Patrol's requirements, as well as links to the EPA's requirements, in order to import a vehicle and register a vehicle in the U.S. After you have completed that process the next step is to modify the vehicle to meet California emission standard. Note that this might not even be possible for that make and model. So while it is possible to register it in California before you even consider spending a dime you'll have a lot of homework to do to see if it is possible and/or worth doing.



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