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Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Cars & Transportation: Maintenance & Repairs: “Question: Noise coming from front right wheel... CV Joints?” plus 5 more

Cars & Transportation: Maintenance & Repairs: “Question: Noise coming from front right wheel... CV Joints?” plus 5 more

Question: Noise coming from front right wheel... CV Joints?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 04:38 PM PDT

Noise coming from front right wheel... CV Joints?

Hey everyone, I have a 1987 Volkswagen Cabriolet. 5-speed manual 1.8L Gasoline

After switching from 13 inch wheels to 14 inch wheels, I have been hearing a clicking/knocking/tapping noise from the front right wheel. (Passenger side). It is not the wheel bearing because I replaced that last month. You hear it mostly when the clutch is in or breaking or just going 20-15mph and lower. Any help? This sound did not happen when I had the 13 inch wheels on.

Note: There is no wheel rub that's not the noise

Question: Noise from front of the car... CV Joints?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 04:32 PM PDT

The CV joint has a rubber boot, if its cracked the grease leaked out No grease means noise if you let it go you'll be replacing the shaft all together Make e model year is required information

Good luck

Question: My engine recently blew after wife was caught in a flood and tried to start it after it stalled. im still paying a car note on it and damage?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 04:06 PM PDT

Engines do not suck water up from exhaust, but can get it from air cleaner if submerged in HUGE puddle. If tiu are very lucky, remove the spark plugs and spin engine over. The water in cylinders will then get pumped out plug holes. Put plugs back in after. DONE.

Question: Spilled water on phone!?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 04:05 PM PDT

Cell phones are not water proof? Electronics and water don't mix Wouldn't be surprised if it was fried The first thing you should have done is removed the battery cover take the battery out put everything in a bag of dry rice The rice will suck the moisture out that can take anywhere from 24 hrs to a few days You have to make sure its completely dry Otherwise you fry the phone Probably need to buy another one. Trying to turn it one wet Bad idea

Good luck

Question: 2000 pontiac grand prix gt keeps shutting off. Help?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 03:56 PM PDT

Your key and the ign lock are damaged, your car may have GM passlock. I could direct you to an interim fix, but like st. paul said,
GM RECALL . do that first, and once all recalls and any TSB are adressed, then start the steps to diag the stalling or dying. You may give the security system what it lacks by completing the recall,etc.
Finding out the rest of your needed data can be done with service codes and enhanced codes. after.

Question: Can someone double check this estimate for me?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 03:44 PM PDT

This is the same exact thing as a $10.00 bearing inside a motor breaking.
Although the bearing may only cost 10 bucks , it may take 1000 bucks to put it in.

Also, No matter what you do you can't speed up the age of a newly painted area so that it matches the older paint on the original. This is why they paint the entire item.
They can try to blend the old & the new , but most times within a month the colors just don't match.
So painting the entire thing all one color is the way to do it right.

When it comes to automotive body repair, you also have the surrounding parts of the damaged area that may need to be removed in order to access the brackets that hold the primary part. The surrounding parts, because of their removal may now need to be stripped of their paint, then the surfaces need to be prepped & repainted painted.
Most people just don't realize, when someone else owns something that they care for every day and basically give their all in caring for it, that they are entitled to have that object returned to that same condition it was before someone elses negligence ruined it. no matter the cost.

In reference to the rear door.
This is a 75 dollar PDR (paintless dent repair).
If you are paying for this repair out of pocket, then yes you have the right to present this in small claims court. But if an insurance company is paying for this, you are paying a flat deductible no matter what the cost of the repair, and it was an agent for your insurance company who authorized the repair.
This could be for one of a number of reasons.
The shop may do good work for good rates and this insurance company likes their work ethics.
The person who owns the VW may have a business relationship with them in some way shape or form.
Or maybe the insurance company figured it was just good business sense to throw it in.
Who knows?


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